Petrus Fidei Seminary
The power of Learning is the key to Knowledge
For with Knowledge comes wisdom
And wisdom come from the Lord
From the Desk of the President
Welcome to our prestigious academic institution steeped in the substratum of the Evangelical movement towards a pragmatic concept of a singular church always alluded to in the Holy Bible. An integral part of the Evangelistic Apostolic Church Diocese is based within the United States and with the experience at the Petrus Fidei Seminary takes you on an educational journey towards true unity in Jesus Christ and away from the divisiveness of Christian denominational pride. This vision details the mission of not only the Evangelistic Apostolic Church Diocese but also that of its distinguished Bible School since 2002. With the higher distance of learning experience one can have will increase your Knowledge of the scriptures. Keeping things simple read your bible ( 2 Timothy: 2:15)
At Petrus Fidei Seminary, the edifice constitutes the pivotal paradigm. Nesting on a pillar of faith and embracing the challenge of building the Lords Church, both the name and motto of the seminary epitomize the solidity of a Christian foundation. Short for "Scientia Petrus Fidei Est" which translates into" Knowledge is the Rock of the Faith", the name of the seminary underscores the dependence of faith on knowledge. Petrus Fidei Seminary is construed as the umbrella academic institution for the Church. Continuing with studies to better serve the Lords Church, As the Lords Priest is an on going education process of knowledge.
Just so you fathom the indispensability of knowledge remember that the Lord’s seminal course called the Sermon on the Mount begins with "Then He opened His mouth and taught them saying: (Matt 5:1)" and closes with "When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him (Matt 8:1)". While scholars wrestle with the mysterious "Q" element of biblical translations, the education at Petrus Fidei Seminary triangulates the evidence to establish authenticity and enhance your rock solid faith in the Word of God. Knowledge of the truths of the Holy Bible shall strengthen your faith as well as your personal integrity and missionary purpose in life.
Nothing but only your faith in God as well as in the wider purpose for which God created the universe shall drive your missionary endeavors. It is this dependence of your missionary undertakings on faith that the motto of Petrus Fidei Seminary seeks to inculcate in you. Summarized as"Ecclesiam Dei Fide Edificabo" which translates into "Upon this Faith I Shall Build God’s Church", the motto challenges you to enthusiastically spread the Word of God upon graduation. As you join this distinguished institution, you undertake a profound commitment to devotedly learn the class materials taught and to, thereafter, propagate Christianity thereby expanding the Lord’s Church.
In all your personal, intellectual, professional and spiritual development you are called upon to work diligently to become the caput anguli; that is, the cornerstone the builders rejected turned the chief cornerstone (Matt 21:42) of God’s Church. Your faith in Jesus Christ shall guide all your personal and professional endeavors. Once again, welcome to the fraternal community of this prestigious academic institution.
In His Service,
Dr.John P. Johnston, PhD.Th, D.Div. LPC.
President & Chancellor of Petrus Fidei Seminary.
One Step at a time in the Lord with Knowledge

Greetings to new students and Blessings for wanting to learn in a fun way of the scriptures
Dr.John P. Johnston, PhD.Th, D.Div.LPC