EACD-Application       Canon2024        ByLaws        Declaration        Monthly Report     Deacon Vows    Ordination Vows      Bishop Vows   

Doctrine       Office of Bishop        The Role of a Bishop        Communication        How To Minister Effectively        Three Benefits of Baptism

Holy Orders       39 Articles of Faith         Articles of Religion     The Priesthood        Acolyte Handbook        Theology of the Diaconate

Exorcism        Holy Eucharist       An Outline of the Faith        Pastoral Depression        Symptoms of Depression        Christian CPR       

Apostolic Rite      Genesis Face      Children Ministry        Questions Asked        Spiritual Gifts of Tongues        Core Belief        Funeral Service

Life_of_Christ Teacher      Sacrament of Holy Orders        Do We Doubt Our Faith      Are you robbing God?      Cheat Sheet      The True One    

Summary of the Bible       Bible Reference        Do's and Don'ts        Communion Bread        Catechism        Ordination Statement       

Episcopal Q and A        Book of Common Prayer        Art of Marriage        Beginning Again        Wedding Vows      The Hope of Heaven    

God are real or not        Hear from God Regularly        Knowing Jesus        Supernatural Power        The Seven Ecumenical Council

What are the ministry duties         Beware of Wolves        Training of the Anglican Church         Kingdom began at Pentecost        KINGDOM CULTURE


Priestly Vesting       THE WARFARE IS ACCOMPLISHED         the sign of the cross        HEALING SCHOOL MANUAL-Eng

THE SONG OF THE BRIDE VERSE BY VERSE BOOK          Spirit soul body older chart         Maturity in Sonship Stages Manual

Parenting from the heart        ARK of THE COVENANT         Apostolic_Prophetic_Model Manual 2012         Advanced Prophetic Training Manuel

Life_of_Christ Teacher       LAW VS GRACE CHART PAPER        Deeper Truth Dictionary Of Bible Types        Kingdom book 

Effects of Carnality On The Soul Kingdom Manual           SPIRIT SOUL BODY BIBLE STUDY         ISREAL TYPES CHART

Intentional Living        Calling You into Ministry         Types and shadows         Altar_Guild_Manual        From Doubt to having faith

Five Signs God is Calling You into Ministry       Functional Structure        Fundamental Christian Beliefs
         Advice for When You         Last Rites